Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global effort to help everyone stay safe and protected when using technology - wherever and however you connect. While we focus on your business security and continuity 24/7/365, we're using this month as an opportunity to review some key tools and processes that keep your business, employees, and data safe from an ever-evolving world of cyber threats.

We follow the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) - originally developed by the US Department of Defense, but now strongly recommended for private organizations of all shapes and sizes. This framework is a set of guidelines, best practices, and standards that provide a structured approach to managing cybersecurity risks. Every business (yes, including yours!) has unique needs and cybersecurity requirements... so we custom-fit the framework and specific software/procedures for your specific requirements.

There are five core components of the framework: the first two functions help you "target harden" - building a strong initial defense against any potential attack - and the final three focus on what happens after an incident occurs. Integrating all five components forces any malicious actor to perfectly navigate through a multi-layered cybersecurity defense in order to pose a threat to your business. 

  1. Identify (Cybersecurity Risk Management): This initial step involves identifying and understanding the assets, risks, and vulnerabilities within your organization. It forms the foundation for building an effective cybersecurity strategy. Key Tools: Remote Monitoring, Inventory/Asset Management, Patch Management

  2. Protect (Cybersecurity Controls): Once risks are identified, the Protect function involves implementing safeguards to prevent or limit the impact of cybersecurity threats. Key Tools: Enterprise Anti-Virus, Firewalls, Multifactor Authentication, Cybersecurity Awareness Training

  3. Detect (Continuous Monitoring): The Detect function focuses on identifying cybersecurity events promptly. This includes real-time monitoring of your network architecture, anomaly detection, and incident response planning to minimize the scope and impact from a breach. Key Tools: Managed Detection and Response Software

  4. Respond (Incident Response): When a cybersecurity incident occurs, it is critical that organizations respond with speed and extreme prejudice. The Respond function guides your business and our internal team in containing the incident and mitigating its impact. Key Tools: 24/7/365 Secure Operations Center, Platform Security Architecture

  5. Recover (Recovery Planning): After an incident, organizations need to recover and restore their systems and operations to a normal state. This involves planning for system recovery and auditing current controls/vulnerabilities. Key Tools: Backup Solutions, Business Continuity Playbook

In today's world, having a robust cybersecurity strategy is not optional - it's a necessity. By leveraging our toolkit and expertise, your business can improve its cybersecurity posture, protect its sensitive data, and ensure the continued trust of its customers. It's a proactive step toward achieving peace of mind in an ever-changing threat landscape.

Have questions about any of this? We're here to help.




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